Board Games Night Tuesday Bridgend

Ref: Board Games Night Tuesday Bridgend

Board Games Night Tuesday Bridgend
Event DateTuesday 10th Dec 2024
Event Start11:00 AM
Event Duration1 Day
Players per Ticket1


24 of 24 tickets left

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A weekly Tabletop, Board and Roleplaying gaming club in a fun friendly environment.

Open to anyone hosted by Firestorm Games Bridgend and Run by Bridgend Board gamers

We teach, play and facilitate forms of tabletop gaming and board games.

Run by 

Bridgend Board Gamers


The store allows for food and drink to be brought to the premises within reason,

and both Firestorm Games and the Bridgend Board Gamers encourage you to use

Corvo Lounge's web order collect service


For new members more information can be found here:

Bridgend Board Gamers | Facebook




Tickets for this event are non-refundable.

Firestorm Games

This event is brought to you by our experienced Firestorm Games event staff.